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Are you unable to work in North Carolina because of an injury or condition? Charlotte Social Security Disability lawyer David Lund can help you claim SSI or SSDI benefits.
Our jobs can all too often become our lives. They are often the first thing we ask a stranger about and the task we spend most of our lives on. However, when that work is taken away when we can no longer provide for ourselves or our loved ones because of an injury or debilitating condition, we can all too quickly become lost.
Fortunately, while working we pay into social security benefits, payments which then provide for those who can no longer work, including, potentially, our future selves. Unfortunately, in North Carolina, all too many applications for Social Security Disability Benefits, including both SSI and SSDI, are denied more often than not. Even more often than in many other states. Thus, despite being one of the best places to build a career or business, Charlotte is definitely not one of the best places to become disabled.
Luckily for you, if you live in or near Charlotte and neighboring areas of North Carolina, Social Security Disability lawyer David Lund and the Lund Law Carolina disability law firm are specialists in helping you navigate your claims and, if needed, win your appeals.
Given that we pay into them our whole working lives, you might think that obtaining social security benefits would be just as easy as paying into them. Unfortunately, government programs, even the most beneficial, are notoriously tight-fisted and do not easily part with their funds. While partially due to a lack of funds, their reluctance is also motivated by a fear that those who do not deserve them will get them, depriving those who do need them and deserve them.
Unfortunately, this leads to a degree of rigor, formality, and scrutiny of Social Security Disability applications. This, in turn, results in a great number of hoops applicants have to jump through, as well as highly specific and demanding criteria you must fulfill if you want to get access to the benefits you have been paying into.
In fact, over half of all initial Social Security disability claims in Charlotte and the rest of North Carolina are rejected, even more than the national average. This does not mean, however, that you only have a 50% chance or worse of getting the disability insurance you are claiming. By working with a skilled disability lawyer like David Lund, you can dramatically improve your odds. He can even help you manage a successful hearing or appeal to get an initial rejection overturned if it already has been turned down.
It is entirely understandable to be stressed about getting access to the Social Security Benefits you need, especially considering how hard it can be to do so in Charlotte and elsewhere in North Carolina. Especially after we just told you how many claims get rejected.
It can be daunting and discouraging to try and claim Social Security Disability Benefits on your own. You might be tempted to give up on it entirely and force yourself to go back to work against your doctor’s orders.
Luckily, you do not have to do everything yourself. David Lund is a Charlotte lawyer who has built a career (and law firm) around helping people like you get access to those vital social security benefits.
Here are just a few of the ways he and his team can help.
Identifying the correct Social Security Disability claim to make is crucial to getting it accepted. For example, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) may sound similar, but they are distinct pograms with their own sets of rules, conditions, eligibility requirements, forms, and procedures to follow to gain access to the benefits.
SSI is for the elderly or disabled with few resources or revenue, while SSDI is for workers who have been paying into the system long enough and find themselves disabled.
A Social Security Disability lawyer will make sure you apply to the right one from the start to reduce delays and maximize the benefits you get.
It can be hard for professionals to admit they need help or for workers to set aside the time to see doctors when they are already struggling to make ends meet. Nevertheless, if you are injured, suffering through pain, or dealing with an otherwise debilitating disability, chances are you should NOT be working. And you may not have to.
Alternatively, you might already know it all too well, and your doctor may berate you about it regularly or have just ordered you not to go back to work.
In either case, it can be difficult to know if you qualify for any kind of benefits, much less which ones. A lawyer who specializes in Social Security disability claims will always tell you straight up if you qualify and help you figure out which ones you qualify for and how to apply.
Mistakes are costly in Social Security disability claims. Not only can they get your application rejected, but they can also force you to go through additional rounds of appeals to get the benefits you need. If you are even able to get them after that. Either way, they will certainly cost you precious time, during which you will not be getting the money you need and deserve to help you and your family get by.
Working with an attorney with significant experience putting together and winning Social Security disability claims removes this problem entirely. Your attorney will be able to review everything, identify any mistakes or errors, prompt you for missing documents or references, and overall ensure that by the time it gets to the approval stage, it is as good as it can be.
If you did try to apply on your own, which is understandable, and it did not work out, an attorney might be your best, if not only, shot at being accepted. They can help you set up a hearing with a judge to go over the claim, put together an appeal with new evidence, or help point you in another, more promising direction.
Lund Law Carolina | Lawyers helping injured and disabled North Carolinians obtain the Social Security Disability benefits they need.
If you or a loved one has been injured or otherwise unable to work, calling a Social Security disability lawyer might be the only way to ensure the system works as intended and that you get the vital assistance you need and have already paid for.
In Charlotte, disability lawyer David Lund works on claims throughout North Carolina to help bring the state back up above the national average in accepted applications, one social security claim at a time.
Call (704) 412-4773 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your social security disability claim with someone who can help.