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Lund Law Carolina
Lund Law Carolina

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(704) 412-4773

How Long Will It Go On?

  • By: David H. Lund, Esq.

Social Security disability hearings continue to be done by telephone at this point; however, the use of video is on the horizon ( see this link: While I applaud SSA’s intent to provide the best possible service while not putting the brakes on the hearing process, I think that they are overstating the possibilities with the video hearings.

The press release states that the video platform will allow “the Social Security judge to see and interact with applicants and their representatives just like an in-person hearing,” which is a stretch given that most people will be using smart phones, tablets or computers that allow a limited view of the claimant during the hearing. SSA has used video hearing technology for the last decade with equipment made for the hearing procedures, but I would hardly qualify any video (VTC) hearing I have ever participated in as being “just like an in-person hearing.”

At Lund Law Carolina we continue to assess each case to be sure that a phone (or a video) hearing will allow for a fair hearing and not put our clients at a disadvantage during what has already been a long and difficult process.

If you have questions about your claim and whether a hearing is appropriate for you, please call our office at (704) 412-4773. Even if your claim is already scheduled we may be able to assist you.

Lund Law Carolina

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(704) 412-4773

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