There are multiple types of benefits that you can file for that are generically called disability benefits. For each of them, you must be found to be medically disabled before you are eligible to receive the benefits. The primary benefit that most people are filing for is a Title II disability benefit. This is the benefit that you can receive…Read More
Not all disabilities are disabling. The definition of disability through Social Security is often different than how private disability insurance policies and state disability pensions define disability. It is very important to understand what makes someone disabled in the eyes of Social Security before deciding to file a claim for those benefits. While you may have a health limitation that…Read More
Primarily geared toward people who are over age 50, the “Grid Rules” or Medical-Vocational Guidelines may help Social Security find you disabled due to an inability to perform work that is similar to work you have done in the past. As I discussed previously, disability is generally defined as an inability to perform any type of job. Congress recognized that…Read More